The best time to prepare for roof damage is before it happens. Some roof replacements will be covered by insurance, others won’t. But the better you understand what your insurance company requires, the greater your chances are of getting them to pay for a new roof!
Gather your roofing proof
Did your roof get damaged during a recent storm? Insurance companies cannot take your word for it – they need proof of the damage, proof of the kind of damage it was, and proof that a certified agent came to inspect the damage. In light of that, you can prepare by snapping pictures immediately after the damage has taken place. Write down when the storm hit as well as how the damage happened. The sooner you do this, the better you’ll remember everything. Don’t forget to also save receipts for any expenses you incur due to roof damage, such as temporary fixes and housing. Make sure you mention them when you file your claim, as some insurance agencies may reimburse you for those expenses!
File roof insurance claim sooner rather than later
Understand that the minute a large storm blows through, hundreds of people are going to be calling their insurance company and filing claims, which means the sooner you call the better. As frustrating as it is to be put on hold or have to call a couple of times before you reach a representative, persistence pays off. Especially since insurance companies operate off of a “first come, first serve” basis! If you fail to contact your insurance company immediately, make sure you find out what their deadline policy is for filing a claim, as filing too late could make your claim obsolete.
Stick with it
Last but not least, be sure to review your insurance policy so that you know exactly what sort of repairs your policy includes. If you have questions about your policy or have specific questions, consult your insurance agent. While it may seem like a lot of work, knowing what is expected of you and knowing what you are entitled to can drastically increase your chances for getting an insurance company to pay for a roof replacement. It’s worth the hassle if it gets you a free roof!